20 conseils essentiels pour les débutants en photographie en 2023

Photography is a beautiful art form that allows us to capture and preserve special moments in time. Whether you're using a smartphone, a compact camera, or a DSLR, these photography tips will help beginners improve their skills and take stunning photographs. Let's dive into 20 essential tips that will elevate your photography game.


Armand Nkem

6/12/20235 min read

shallow focus photography black Canon DSLR camera
shallow focus photography black Canon DSLR camera
  1. Understand your camera:

Read the manual and familiarize yourself with the basic functions and settings of your camera is the key point when getting started in with any device.

person holding black DSLR camera
person holding black DSLR camera
  1. Master Composition:

Composition is the arrangement of elements within a photograph. Learn the rule of thirds, leading lines, and other composition techniques to create visually appealing images.

a woman sitting on a dock with a hat on
a woman sitting on a dock with a hat on
  1. Utilize Natural Light:

    Experiment with natural light by shooting during the golden hour (early morning or late afternoon) when the light is soft and warm. Avoid harsh midday sunlight whenever possible.

a man taking a picture of the sunset with a camera
a man taking a picture of the sunset with a camera
  1. Pay Attention to Backgrounds:

    A cluttered or distracting background can take away from your subject. Before taking a shot, scan the surroundings and adjust your position to eliminate any unwanted elements.

aerial view photography of group of people walking on gray and white pedestrian lane
aerial view photography of group of people walking on gray and white pedestrian lane
  1. Capture Unique Perspectives:

    Don't be afraid to get low or high to capture interesting angles. Experiment with different viewpoints to add depth and uniqueness to your photographs.

man standing on sidewalk holding DSLR camera taking picture above
man standing on sidewalk holding DSLR camera taking picture above
  1. Use the Rule of Thirds:

    Divide your frame into thirds both horizontally and vertically. Place key elements along these lines or at their intersections to create a visually balanced composition.

a woman sitting on a dock with a hat on
a woman sitting on a dock with a hat on
  1. Focus on Sharpness:

    Ensure your subject is in focus by using autofocus or manual focus. Pay attention to details and adjust the focus point if necessary.

  1. Experiment with Depth of Field:

    Understanding aperture and depth of field allows you to control what is in focus. A wide aperture (small f-number) creates a shallow depth of field, blurring the background and emphasizing the subject.


Aperture can simply be defined as the opening of the lens through which light passes to enter the camera.

turned on Focus signage
turned on Focus signage

An example of a rule of third. It's a compositional guideline that breaks an image into thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so you have nine pieces and four gridlines.

  1. Capture Motion:

    To capture anything in motion, use a faster shutter speed to freeze action or a slower shutter speed to create motion blur. Experiment with different settings to convey movement effectively.

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a road
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a road

An example of a lower shutter speed which produces motion blur

  1. Shoot in RAW Format:

    If your camera allows it, shoot in RAW format instead of JPEG. RAW files contain more data and provide greater flexibility in post-processing(during editing).

man washing his face
man washing his face

An example of a faster shutter speed with less of motion blur since the action is frozen(water in this case)

person holding black dslr camera during daytime
person holding black dslr camera during daytime
  1. Keep Your Camera Steady:

    Use a tripod or stabilize your camera to avoid blurry photos, especially in low-light conditions or when using longer exposures.

a camera on a tripod on a foggy day
a camera on a tripod on a foggy day

A camera mounted on a tripod in order to stabilize images

  1. Experiment with Different Lenses:

    Different lenses offer various perspectives and creative possibilities. Experiment with prime lenses, zoom lenses, and wide-angle lenses to expand your photography skills.

black camera lens on white surface
black camera lens on white surface
black bridge camera
black bridge camera

A prime lens: A single or fixed focal length photographic lens which can't zoom in or out.

A zoom lens: A lens with a varied focal length, meaning it can be zoomed in or out as oppose the prime lens

  1. Use the Histogram:

    The histogram is a graphical representation of the tonal distribution in an image. Utilize it to check for overexposure or underexposure and make exposure adjustments accordingly.

a nikon dslr camera
a nikon dslr camera

A Nikon camera displaying the histogram

  1. Tell a Story:

    Aim to capture images that convey a story or evoke emotions. Look for interesting details, interactions, or moments that reveal a narrative.

  1. Post-Processing is Key:

    Editing software can enhance your photos further. Learn basic editing techniques to adjust exposure, contrast, color balance, and sharpening. Great photographers use Adobe lightroom, Luminar Neo

adobe lighroom
adobe lighroom

Adobe lightroom is available on the web, desktop and smartphone.

  1. Embrace Negative Space:

Negative or White space is the empty or unoccupied area surrounding the subject. Use it strategically to create a sense of simplicity and draw attention to the main subject.

snow covered mountains near clouds
snow covered mountains near clouds
  1. Shoot in Different Weather Conditions:

Don't let weather deter you from taking photos. Rain, fog, and snow can add drama and atmosphere to your images. Be prepared and protect your equipment accordingly.

A mountain covered by snow and fog

  1. Learn from Other Photographers:

    Study the works of experienced photographers to gain inspiration and learn new techniques by ready books, watching YouTube videos. Attend workshops, join photography communities, or participate in photo challenges to grow your skills. You can learn more from great photographers like Simon d'Entremont , Photo Genius by watching their YouTube tutorials

boy taking a knee and holding DSLR camera beside man taking a knee
boy taking a knee and holding DSLR camera beside man taking a knee
  1. Patience is Key:

    Great shots often require time and patience. Be willing to wait for the right moment, be it a perfect sunset or an animal in its natural habitat.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice:

    The more you practice, the better you become. Take your camera with you wherever you go and experiment with different subjects, lighting conditions, and compositions.

black digital camera capturing yellow flower
black digital camera capturing yellow flower

With these 20 essential photography tips, beginners can improve their skills and capture stunning images. Remember to have fun, experiment, and let your creativity shine through your photographs. Embrace the learning process, and never stop exploring new techniques. Happy shooting!

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